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Music plays before the service as we sit in silence

Please join in all the responses in bold type

15th May 24 -
00:00 / 27:13

Welcome and Opening Responses 

 Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed.  Alleluia!

Risen Christ, disperse the sin from our souls, as the mist departs from the hills. Be in what we do, inform what we say and redeem who we are. So now Lord, we come before you to praise you, to thank you and to worship you for all you have done for us.

Leader: Come to us this night, O God,


All: Come to us with light. 

(Here a candle may be lit and placed centrally) 

A candle is lit as a symbol of holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, grace, hope and God’s revelation.

Leader: Speak to us this night, O God,

All: Speak to us your truth. 

(Here a Bible may be placed centrally)
We read from the Bible, the word of God, which teaches us about Christian faith, our sin and God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.

                                                                                                 Leader:  Dwell with us this night, O God,


All: Dwell with us in love.


(Here a cross may be placed centrally) 

The cross is a symbol of Christ himself and the Christian faith, through Christ’s passion and death we are redeemed.


Opening Prayer  - We say together

Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ,

For all the benefits thou hast won for me,

For all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me, 

O most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother,

May I know thee more clearly,

Love thee more dearly,

And follow thee more nearly,

Day by day.

The Word of God - Reading 

Leader: O God, as these words are read, 

All: In our hearts may we feel your presence. 

At the end we say:

Thanks be to God.

A Short Reflection

Music / a short period of silence for reflection


Affirmation of Faith 

 We believe in God, the Creator!
Maker of everything,
Author of the Universe,
And Mystery behind every matter.

We believe in Jesus Christ!
God from God, Light from Light, true God and true human,
One with the Creator.
He is the Word made flesh and the Saviour of all creation!

We believe in the Holy Spirit!
Breath of God moving among us,
One with the Creator and one with Christ,
He is our Guide and the Mentor of all creation!ff

Prayers of Concern 

 Intercessions will be concluded by the prayer below.

My Lord and my God,

Take from me all that keeps me from you.

My Lord and my God,

Give to me all that brings me nearer to you.

My Lord and my God,

Take me away from myself and give me completely to you.

At the end of the intercessions there will be a short time for you to light a candle in prayer for someone you know. This can be done in silence or by freely speaking the name.



Music - for meditation 

We pause here for 5 minutes meditation. If you wish to meditate for longer then press your pause button and resume for the Blessing when you are ready.

Closing Prayer

May the truth of Easter,
The Joy of Easter
And the Blessings of Easter
Be with us this day and all days.

May the peace of the Lord God go with you wherever he may send you. May he guide you through the wilderness and protect you through the storm. + In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Music to finish

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United Benefice of St. Mary and St. John
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St. Mary the Virgin Church

Church Walk

Higham Ferrers


NN10 8BT

Church Office tel 01933 741140

St. John the Baptist Church

Caldecott Road

Chelveston cum Caldecott



  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • St. John the Baptist
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