United Benefice of St.Mary, Higham Ferrers, and St. John, Chelveston

Music plays before the service as we sit in silence
Please join in all the responses in bold type
Welcome and Opening Responses
Leader: Come to us this night, O God,
All: Come to us with light.
(Here a candle may be lit and placed centrally)
A candle is lit as a symbol of holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, grace, hope and God’s revelation.
Leader: Speak to us this night, O God,
All: Speak to us your truth.
(Here a Bible may be placed centrally)
We read from the Bible, the word of God, which teaches us about Christian faith, our sin and God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Leader: Dwell with us this night, O God,
All: Dwell with us in love.
(Here a cross may be placed centrally)
The cross is a symbol of Christ himself and the Christian faith, through Christ’s passion and death we are redeemed.

Opening Prayer - We say together
You are the love
of each living creature O God
You are the warmth
of the rising sun
You are the whiteness
of the moon at night
You are the life
of the growing earth
You are the strength
of the waves of the sea.
Speak to me this night O God
Speak to me your truth.
Dwell with me this night O God
Dwell with me in love.
The Word of God - Reading
Leader: O God, as these words are read,
All: In our hearts may we feel your presence.
At the end we say:
Thanks be to God.
A Short Reflection
Music / a short period of silence for reflection

Affirmation of Faith from Iona
All: We believe that God is present
in the darkness before dawn;
in the waiting and uncertainty
where fear and courage join hands,
conflict and caring link arms,
and the sun rises over barbed wire.
We believe in a with-us God
who sits down in our midst
to share our humanity.
We affirm a faith
that takes us beyond the safe place:
into action, into vulnerability
and into the streets.
We commit ourselves to work for change
and put ourselves on the line;
to bear responsibility, take risks,
live powerfully and face humiliation;
to stand with those on the edge;
to choose life
and be used by the Spirit
for God's new community of hope.
Prayers of Concern
Intercessions will be said folowed by the prayer below.
Eternal Light, shine into our hearts; Eternal Goodness, deliver us from evil;
Eternal Power be our support;
Eternal wisdom, scatter the darkness of our ignorance;
Eternal pity have mercy on us.
Grant that we may ever seek Your face with all our heart, soul and strength. And in your infinite mercy bring us at last to the fullness of your presence where we shall behold Your glory and live Your promised joys.
At the end of the intercessions there will be a short time for you to light a candle in prayer for someone you know. This can be done in silence or by freely speaking the name.
Music - for meditation
We pause here for 5 minutes meditation. If you wish to meditate for longer then press your pause button and resume for the Blessing when you are ready.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
The peace of God be
over us to shelter us,
under us to uphold us,
about us to protect us,
behind us to direct us,
ever with us to save us.
All: The peace of all peace
be ours this night.
+ in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Music to finish