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Higham Ferrers Mothers' Union

Higham Ferrers has had a branch of the Mothers' Union for many years. They normally meet on the first Thursday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Bedehouse.  You will be made very welcome.

Loving Lord, we pray for your love and compassion to abound as we walk though this challenging season.


Think of some practical ways that you can show God’s love and compassion at this time 


We ask for wisdom for those who bear the load of making decisions with widespread consequences.


Take a moment to pray for those in positions of influence at local, national and international levels


We pray for those who are suffering with sickness and for all who are caring for them


Pray particularly for any known to you personally, including those who work in the health profession 


We ask for protection for the elderly and vulnerable to not succumb to the risks of virus.


Consider if there is anything helpful you can do for those in this category – shopping or other errands?   


We pray for misinformation to be curbed that fear may take no hold in hearts and minds.


Take any opportunity to reassure those who are feeling anxious, especially over unsubstantiated concerns   


As we exercise the good sense that you in your mercy provide may we also approach each day in faith and peace, trusting in the truth of your goodness towards us. Amen


Give thanks to God for his constant presence with us through every circumstance of life 


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United Benefice of St. Mary and St. John

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St. Mary the Virgin Church

Church Walk

Higham Ferrers


NN10 8BT


Church Office tel 01933 741140

St. John the Baptist Church

Caldecott Road

Chelveston cum Caldecott



  • St. Mary the Virgin
  • St. John the Baptist
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